Gilasio Coding offers software solutions for server-side, local client and web apps, supporting Multiplatform's interoperability coding that includes Microsoft, Mac, and Linux OS.
We offer Software solutions in design from the TRS level through Detailed Design and in Coding.
Coding languages: C, C++, C#, Java, Python.
Databases: Oracle, MS-SQL, My-SQL.
GUI: Dot.Net, WxWidgets, MVC over Entity Framework (EF) .
Web: Asp.Net, Asp3, Html, JavaScript.
Contact: Cohen Yohai yohai@gilasio.com
Amongst our clients:
Example projects:
AAA server (authentication, authorization, and accounting) with Single Sign-On (SSO) and PIN Support for the Bank of Jerusalem, Ltd.
Calendar and contacts client over Microsoft OS, Mac using WxWidgets, Synchronized over mobile phones adapter.
Metadata editor infrastructure for multimedia files over Microsoft OS, Mac, Linux and Devices (mobile and PDA), with restrictions to C run Time over C++ for maximum interoperability (many devices only partially support STL). Project Extended to support: ASF format (wma, wmv), MPEG format (mp3, mp4), Vorbis format (ogg,flac).
Devices properties best match search engine over DB sources of devices properties such as "wurfl" (if device not present the best match is calculated).
Global monitoring system for applications, web apps, services and servers over Microsoft servers running Dot.Net, with auto recovery and WAP interface using multiple user's schemes and authorizations.
Trans-coding system for multimedia files utilizing multiple running platforms with auto recovery and load balancing of server's utilization, using commercial and free trans-coding software through a command interface.
Metaphorical – Semiotic application for context resolving. Used to find hidden meanings in text by using the web as an intelligence source. the project entailed various web components , text parsing , natural language processing (some via windows hooking) and extensive DB design and cross reference .
New brown corpus based on Wikipedia , the brown corpus is a linguistic tool for measuring frequencies of words on the English language.
Software for analyzing discourse structures – analyzed and locate pattern in communicating structures such as teaching environments.
Software for analyzing Chain-Cycles Mathematical Category Theory structures , the program identified the structures in a vast sampling poll.
Software for Literal and metaphorical sense identification through concrete and abstract context .