Academic Publications
Academic publications
1. Neuman, Y., Kedma, G., Cohen, Y., & Nave, O. (2010, August). Using web-intelligence for excavating the emerging meaning of target-concepts. In Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on (Vol. 1, pp. 22-25). IEEE.
2. Turney, P. D., Neuman, Y., Assaf, D., & Cohen, Y. (2011). Literal and metaphorical sense identification through concrete and abstract context. In Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on the Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (pp. 680-690).
3. Neuman, Y., Assaf, D., & Cohen, Y. (2012). A novel methodology for identifying emerging themes in small group dynamics. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 76(1), 53.
4. Neuman, Y., Assaf, D., & Cohen, Y. (2013). Fusing distributional and experiential information for measuring semantic relatedness. Information Fusion, 14(3), 281-287.
5. Neuman, Y., Turney, P., & Cohen, Y. (2012). How language enables abstraction: A study in computational cultural psychology. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 46(2), 129-145.
6. Neuman, Y., Cohen, Y., Bekerman, Z., & Nave, O. (2012). A generic method for measuring the potential number of structure‐preserving transformations. Complexity, 18(1), 26-37.
7. Neuman, Y., Cohen, Y., Assaf, D., & Kedma, G. (2012). Proactive screening for depression through metaphorical and automatic text analysis. Artificial intelligence in medicine, 56(1), 19-25.
8. Assaf, D., Neuman, Y., Cohen, Y., Argamon, S., Howard, N., Last, M., Frieder, O. and Koppel, M., 2013, April. Why “dark thoughts” aren't really dark: A novel algorithm for metaphor identification. In Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Algorithms, Mind, and Brain (CCMB), 2013 IEEE Symposium on (pp. 60-65). IEEE.
9. Neuman, Y., Assaf, D., & Cohen, Y. (2013, April). A cognitively motivated word sense induction algorithm. In Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Algorithms, Mind, and Brain (CCMB), 2013 IEEE Symposium on (pp. 66-72). IEEE.
10. Neuman, Y., Assaf, D., Cohen, Y., Last, M., Argamon, S., Howard, N., & Frieder, O. (2013). Metaphor identification in large texts corpora. PloS one,8(4), e62343.
11. Neuman, Y., Assaf, D., & Cohen, Y. (2013). Fusing distributional and experiential information for measuring semantic relatedness. Information Fusion, 14(3), 281-287.
12. Neuman, Y., Marwan, N., & Cohen, Y. (2014). Change in the Embedding Dimension as an Indicator of an Approaching Transition. PLoS ONE, 9(6).
13 Neuman, Y., & Cohen, Y. (2014). A vectorial semantics approach to personality assessment. Scientific reports, 4, 4761.
14. Neuman, Y., Cohen, Y., & Assaf, D. (2015). How do we understand the meaning of connotations? A cognitive computational model. Semiotica, 2015(205), 1-16.
15. Neuman, Y., Assaf, D., Cohen, Y., & Knoll, J. L. (2015). Profiling school shooters: automatic text-based analysis. Frontiers in psychiatry, 6.
16. Y Neuman, Y Cohen, G Shahar, A Novel Computer-Assisted Personality Profiling Methodology: Illustrating Psychological Analysis via Former Egyptian President Morsi's Speech to the United Nations, American Intelligence Journal 32 (1), 136-145
17. Neuman, Y., Perlovsky, L., Cohen, Y., & Livshits, D. (2015). The personality of music genres. Psychology of Music, 1, 14.
18. Assaf, D., Cohen, Y., Danesi, M., & Neuman, Y. (2015). Opposition theory and computational semiotics. Sign Systems Studies, 43(2/3), 159-172.
19. Y Neuman, Y Cohen, A Novel Methodology for Automatically Measuring Psychological Dimensions in Textual Data ,The Computer Journal 59 (9), 1408-1414
20. Y Neuman, Y Neuman, Y Cohen, A novel procedure for measuring semantic synergy, Complexity 2017
21. Y Neuman, H Hames, Y Cohen, An information-based procedure for measuring semantic change in historical data, Measurement 105, 130-135
22. Y Neuman, Y Cohen, N Israeli, B Tamir, A proposed methodology for studying the historical trajectory of words’ meaning through Tsallis entropy, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 492, 804-813
23. Y Neuman, N Israeli, D Vilenchik, Y Cohen, The Adaptive Behavior of a Soccer Team: An Entropy-Based Analysis, Entropy 20 (10), 758
24. Y Neuman, D Noble, Y Cohen, Is the whole different from the sum of its parts? A proposed procedure for measuring divergence from additivity, International Journal of General Systems 47 (7), 665-678
25. Y Neuman, Y Cohen, Y Neuman, How to (better) find a perpetrator in a haystack, Journal of Big Data 6 (1), 9
26. From physical to social interactions: The relative entropy model, Y Neuman, D Vilenchik, Y Cohen, Scientific reports 10 (1), 1-8 (2020)
27. Short-term prediction through ordinal patterns, Y Neuman, Y Cohen, B Tamir, Royal Society open science 8 (1), 201011 (2021)
28. Max Entropy through Natural Interactions, Y Neuman, Y Cohen, MDPI (2021)
29. Extreme Rare Events Identification Through Jaynes Inferential Approach, Yair Neuman, Yochai Cohen, and Eden Erez, Big Data (2021)
30. Extreme Rare Events Identification Through Jaynes Inferential Approach ,Y Neuman, Y Cohen, E Erez , Big Data 9 (6), 417-426 (2021)
31. Predicting change in emotion through ordinal patterns and simple symbolic expressions ,Y Neuman, Y Cohen, Mathematics 10 (13), 2253 (2022)
32. A Permutation-Based Heuristic for Buy Low, Sell High, Y Neuman, Y Cohen , arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01245 (2022)
33. AI for identifying social norm violation, Y Neuman, Y Cohen, Scientific Reports 13 (1), 8103 (2023)
34. A Permutation-Based Mathematical Heuristic for Buy-Low-Sell-High, Y Neuman, Y Cohen,
Computer Sciences & Mathematics Forum 7 (1), 8 (2023)
35. A Dataset of 10,000 Situations for Research in Computational Social Sciences Psychology and the Humanities, Y Neuman, Y Cohen, Scientific Data 10 (1), 505 (2023)